Guestbook Page 8

Karen H
Thank you so much for your brilliant site. I've used your resources frequently for my SEN literacy and numeracy groups.
Excellent site!
I want to tell you how much i like your site it really has help me to prepare some of my lessons
Brilliant! A site which understands what we need. We love the picture resources.
I have recently started a peer reading scheme at school and your website is a great part of it! I love the certificates and the choice is fantastic! Thank you x
Great resouce - how can you save the sheets that you have made though?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE the geometric figures that the kids can cut out and glue together! You even included the Platonic solids, bless your heart! I just printed, cut, and glued them together to teach myself how to do them first (and to have examples), and now I can teach the kids how to do them! Great website! Thank you once again! :o)
this is a great website
have used your website a lot, I work in school as one to one support teacher and help plan interventions. It is very useful indeed and have used the feelings fans and faces successfully with autistic pupils. Thank you for providing such an excellent resource. I used to use the oldwordsearch generator as part of remedial phonics work ,however I have a problem with the new version. On my laptop - when I try to print out the completed wordsearch I only get the top left quadrant. I presume this is something to do with the settings, but can;t find where it is going wrong, can you help? The same happens with the new flashcard printer.
Such a useful and practical site. It's made my life so much easier since I was introduced to this website. I absolutley love the print literacy tab. I've created a fantastic, colorful wordwall using this feature. Thanks so much!!
Really useful glad I found you. Thanks
Thankyou for your easy to use certificate site.Just what I needed.We will have some very pleased people getting certificates at our Christmas Party.
I love your website!
Alice Glidwell
Great site. I have found useful items already made that can be adapted for my students' use. Thanks.
eddy indonesia
great and complete and practise website...
brill site would love some simple comprehensions any chance???
I am a Spanish teacher and I found this website brilliant to use with my students I just wish it could be in Spanish too. B
Brilliant website, time saving and practical examples. Great that it allows one to customise activities
Great worksheets. Thanks so much.
this is not good for children because you dont say how to do it
Excellent website, great worksheets
Three wordss for your site- awesome, awesome, awesome!!!! Thank you so much for these fantastic resources
Absolutely great website saves so much time making your own flashcards thsnk you.
I have just started a learning support role in a college working with adults with various learning disabilities. I love the print outs and will be using them in class, thank you so much greatly appreciated.
i work on a one to one basis with an autistic child in a year one setting and find all the printables really useful. easy to change, easy to use, fantastic
Great website, used by many staff in my school. Thank you!
I use your literacy printables a great deal. Would you be able to correct the dominoes ( see comments 7th Feb & 21st May.)I can see great potential in these but as numbers 2& 7 are a pair to 7&2) the loop does not work.

Hi - thanks for this, don't know why it took so long - a new version is up now. Many thanks
Thankyou so much - I love your website!
Excellent...thanks you so much
I appreciate your dedication to teachers everywhere. I have supported many special education students with your brilliant, easily accessed ideas.

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