Guestbook Page 54

Tyrone Nicholson
Just wanted to say this is a great site. it is so straight forward. you just type and click and it's done. it doesn't even have to load the certificate up after you have finished making it. great site.
Janet Freeman
Hi, I just want to commend you for a fantastic site - your resources are fantastic and have come in handy for any student of any ability. They are really user friendly and i've recommended your site to so many people - they are thankful of your resources too! Keep up the good work! Thanks :) Janet.
Christine Pugh
Just wanted to say this is a really neat website. Thanks for making things much easier.
Thanks for the site Some certificates of achievement for my students should make their day
This site has really been a help for me. Thank You
Dee Cramblit
I loved your site! My students will benefit from the materials I've printed. Thank you so much for another rich resource!
Leesa Malone
A brillant website, was able to find what i was looking for very easyaly. you made it os easy for me to do things
Wow, what a wonderful website!! I have found this site to be very useful and the students love the sheets and games. Keep up the great work on this site.
j. Callus
A great find kept me from my other work ! Thank you.May you continue to GROW and GROW.
alice westhead
how did I miss this website with such invaluable and engaging resources thank-ypu from myself and the children
Great website. Thanks for all the useful resources
Fantastic website... Good resources for learning, easy to follow... Keep up the good work!!! Make your opinion about my resources :)
Cyndi Miller
Thank you so much for keeping this site free and available to all! I have used it from South Africa, then the UK and now from New Zealand! It is very helpful and makes life as a specialist teacher a whole lot easier!
Excellent website and very easy to use. Any chance of adding Euro coins?
Hi, I just found your site and I love it. I was so excited I mentioned it on's primary chatboard and a Houghton Mifflin Group I belong to on Yahoo. Thank You. I am using your blank dice pattern for high frequency words. Your fonts are too large for my 1st grade words to be typed on the cards.Any chance of being able to add a font size button?
Hi!!! Excellent resource you've got here!!! Will definately be back!!!
Kate Easter
What a great site, easy to find your way around, all printables are fun to use. Really like the links to different associations too. Contains all you really need on the one site. Fantastic. Many thanks.
This site is simply wonderful! Benificial to both the receiver and presenter of awards etc. I'm sure I will use it many times over and will definitly pass it on to others who have been seeking this exact type of resource. THANKS
Thank you very much indeed for these helpful resources !
Jack Buxton
I Like useing this Website
I have just found this site and think that it is great! very helpful. I will be busy making lots of fans for my children to proactice their constanant diagraphs! thank you!
This is an amazing site! As a teacher entering a very challenging school a lot of these resources have saved my life and made learning a bit more fun.
I think this is a fantastic resource site and the printables have proved very helpful. It would be even better if they could be saved to file so they can be adapted if the need arises.
W Blue
Really interesting. I particularly like the printables. As an Early Years SENCo I am always looking for resoiurces that will engage all abilities and help them to play together. I shall certainly be using many of them with my non-SEN pre-school children as well as my SEN ones!
I think this website is reale good and it is fun to learn things on this website.We are doing 3D nets at school and all of our things come from this website!
I was just browsing through your website and found great printables for some of our special needs students. Thanks
Just found your site today and it is marvellous. I was looking for handwriting sheets and I found them. Thanks!
Supplied with your website on an SEN training course and must congratulate you it's fantastic!
Your site is AMAZING!! The activity sheets are so clear and precise; children are happy to approach the work independently which has really boosted their confidence. It has also saved me an ENORMOUS amount of preparation, thank you.
dl paris
I have been browsing through your site. There seems to be a lot of very useful resources here. I have not however, found any info on the organization and would love to. Please let me know more about your organization. Thanks for all the resources

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