What a great resource for teachers. The printable sheets are so useful for all ages.
What a fantastic site, I was very impressed with the quality of the worksheets ...bravo!!!
Peter Baker
Great site, keep up the good work SEN tutor
It's very interesting site!
What a brilliant site! Educational Psychologist, Manchester
Jane Riordan
Congratulations on your up-dated and revised site. I found your original site whilst on teaching practice and it was an absolute godsend. Now in my NQT year it is still proving invaluable. Ever thought of doing resources for music?
Wow!!! You must be congratulated on this wonderful site. I am in the process of doing my long term planning for a new term and have found your resources and user friendly printables invaluable.Thank you so much.
Leigh Wharton
Great Resources!!!
What a great resource, can't believe I have only just found it!
Jeanne McIntyre
This resource was such a joy to find. I spent hours playing with all the activities.
kerry truelove
all your resources have saved much preparation time at work as ICT co-ordinator and great ideas to work with my pre-school child.
Thank you very much for the fantastic resources for both numeracy and literacy. It has boosted my own resources and proveded some great ideas for the beginning of my NQT year.
Fantastic resources. Some great material for Social Use of Language lessons that I've been asked to teach. Also fab Literacy and Numeracy worksheets too!
What a fantastic site.........excellent resources Thank You!
Absolutely fantastic website - came across this looking for coin dominoes - so chuffed!! Not an SEN teacher, but find your resources so accesible and adaptable. Keep going!!
Great website but having trouble printing off a large £2 coin any ideas?
It can take a while for some of these sheets to print - a delay before printing starts due to the complexity of some of the images. I'm not aware of any problems, the sheets all print OK on HP Inkjets, Postscript Laser Printers and also to PDF. Could be that you just need to wait a while, but if you drop me a line with the make and model of printer I'll check for issues.
Jennifer S
As a teaching assistant this site is priceless. i have found so many resources for my SEN children. thank you!!
I am so glad that I found this website. Your resources are fantastic - just finding nets that are big enough for children to cut out as independently as possible was great.
as a tutor i love this site ,Mwah!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for being here! What a gem! I just began homeschooling my 14 yr old autistic daughter w/ZERO verbal skills, and was looking for more complete resources...and I found them here. Thank you thank you thank you
Fantastic resources thanks very much
Really amazing. I got the required material from ur site. Thank you very much. Keep updating. All the best.
As an sen teacher I have found this site most helpful. Keep up the good work
Thank you for your hard work. The resources are excellent!
recommended to me as a resource to use for adults with learning difficulties. It was a great recommendation...
Been using your site for years. Love the change in the print cards. Miss the clear button so you can reset new words.
Thanks for your comment - I've put the button back.
What a fantastic site -- full of attractive, useful and very usable resources. What a work of love!!