wow, what a fantastic site. i am amazed at what is on here.i have a son with aspergers and learning difficulties with autistic features. and although get a lot of outside help this site is going to be of such fantastic use for me to help support that much more. i have only just found it and cant wait to start using it with him .
What a FANTASTIC site. I only wish I found you sooner.
Bright Blessings
Great site. Good info.
this is the web that my school yses its that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This website is wonderful,its so useful for all abilities!
Thanx thanx thanx for such great job done above your website!
You're website looks very good, it was a pleasure to be on you're. Keep on the good work :-)
i love this site it is really cool i love making my own certificates it is lush
WOW. what a great site. thank ypu thank you thank you
I thought the website was fantastic,just what I was looking for .
Hi, as a student teacher I am always on the look out for fantastic resources I can use with my class. Not only have you got an enormous amount of activities, worksheets, printables and downloads but they are absolutely free too! Simply amazing!
I think this site is fantastic! What a time saver!
Thank you!
excellent resource material
this site is very useful for my Kinaesthetic, psychomotor learners. Thank you.
mrs barton
hello mrs barton recons this is a fantastic site and she uses it every week for her daughters spellings so it is easier for her to learn them! she would like the thank the person who made this site because this site has made her life much much easier and her daughter has got 15/15 every week because she has the cards! thank you very muchly appreichiated!
I found this site fantastic I love printing things off for my children to do at home they think the exercises on the site are 'cool' too
This sent is great it has helped me a lot.
I was so glad to see there was actually a site that didn't try to sell you any worksheets--everything was FREE! Thanks!
THANK YOU for this wonderful site! I am learning mentor and special needs assistant and quite resourceful, but this site helps me make resources quickly. Easy to use and attractively illustrated.
I agree, a great site that will save me so much time. I have told all my staff about it. Thanks.
Thankyou so much, your printables have saved me so much time!
sen teacher is really a great help for me!!!!!
Anna Turman
This theme is interesting to me, and also very important in work. Your site became my constant satellite!
Great site but I was wondering whether any of the teachers who visit the site can help me investigate the problems and issues around teacher SEN pupils. Its for my degree and any help would be great. Thank you
A fantastic site, which was reccommended to me by a special needs teacher in the area. I will be using the free downloads and worksheets with the children who I support tomorrow.
Many Thanks!
Janet McDool
Just wanted to say what a superb site. I was searching for SEN resources for a music teacher at school (I'm a Teaching Assistant) and happened upon the hadwriting page. How wonderful to create your own resources for struggling writers. Wonderful!
Great Site!! As I am new to one to one support learning i found that there are some great printable sheets to help us on our way.
As a student of psychology and a carer for a special needs girl I have found your site invaluable. Thanks for the certificate maker! Top work :)
Excellent Site! Highly recommended to anyone!
Thank you for such a great site!
I have just found your fantastic site and have immediately put it in my favourites. As an NQT I think your resources are going to prove invaluable.