Hi These certificates are great i use them all the time for loads of different occasions!!!!!
Ithink your web could be better by having worksheets on your family
I think the updated website resources are really useful! We have OFSTED next week, and the printable worksheets make life much easier. Thank you.
my daughter came home from school with this web address in her pocket. it is fantastic. my youngest loves the printables sheets and i have printed off certificates for her for completing the worksheets. she thinks it is great because she has them all over her bedroom!!!!(she's only 3!!) the fact that these are free is a bonus. thank you.
Susan L
As a Key worker to 2 Downs syndrome boys in secondary mainstream I think this site is a God send!!!
Kate Frances
I think that the resources on this site are brilliant and to be allowed to have free access is great.So it is with diffidence that I ask if there is a problem with the literacy and numeracy dominoes.?I can make only eight of either match;each time there are 2 dominoes that cannot be matched.Anyone else noticed this?
Reply: With the numeracy dominoes you really need to print 2 pages, more with the literacy sets which are smaller in number - even then there will usually be left overs. If you are entering your own words in the literacy dominoes, changing the order of the word list in the second or third page you print will also help. With the traditional game you would add the dots of the tiles left over at the end, the winner would be the person with the lowest score.
this site is great for certificates
wendy taylor
I am a year 1 teacher and found your website by chance. Wow! it's fantastic and has saved me lots of time. A wonderful resource that I use in all areas of the curriculum.
Great site! Keep it up.
Sue F
What would we do without you?! A brilliant resource for all to use - and it's free. Unbelievable!
This site is brilliant! I am a teaching assistant and work with an Autistic child. I have used lots of printables with great results. Thankyou and well done.
This site is just what I need, not just for sen students either. Keep up the good work!
Fantastic website. I am a HLTA but and always looking for new ideas.
Lynn Court
This is a brilliant tool for Skills for Life teachers. The resources are adaptable and suitable for adults as well as children. Excellent! Thank you
I have made resources from here to use with children who were non-readers. This week they read sentences from their reading book, fluently. This site is fantastic. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
this is a fabulous website and the nets fot the shape are great!
What a fantastic website, it has has everything you could ever need to help children with SEN.
i am pleased you have updated you site. I have always used it but now it makes my life so much easier. well done
Fantastic site loads of good resources thank you
Great site, great resources ill be letting everyone kno about it
jo c
Thanks for saving me lots of time!!!!!!!!!
Great site! I am in education and use it heaps. Just one problem though. Your colour dice has six colours on it and the colour cards only have five colours. You have missed orange off of the cards.
Thanks for pointing that out! Orange has been added.
Fantastic site- so pleased that i have found you!
I like your site very much indeed.
Many many thanks for a wonderful site; it has been a great help to me as a SEN teacher. Brilliant!
Ease of use and smashing ideas, a brilliant site in so many ways. Thankyou.
As a SENCO I have just found your site ...lots of wonderful ideas that really will help some our less able children.. Thank you very much.
Jo Mackay (UK)
What a great website. Some really useful info and resources. Thankyou.
lorraine hampton
fantastic site, l have printed so many useful activites...thank you
this is a great site. i have printed so many things that help me with my class.keep up the good job!!!!!!!!!