Guestbook Page 39

This site is great..... However on your certificates you have a brillant letters cert, but no numbers cert!!!! I am a maths teacher..... Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee can I have a certificate with a numbers border like the letters one?! ;-)
i think this website is great
Great site -- my pupils really like the follow me cards. They did find a problem with the "percentages of 200" cards though -- there are 2 identical questions (and 2 identical answers to go with them). This caused a great deal of confusion!
Heather Fischer
I love the word card page!!! It has been a big help with spelling and weekly vocabulary for my students with learning disabilities. Thank You!!!!!
I think that this site is a brillliant site
natalie moller
This is an amazing website!!!!! I has been so helpful and is a great time saver. I have a challenging teaching post, this website saves me so much time!!!
Sara M.
Thank you for a useful, free site. We are really enjoying the printables.
I love this website
Lee Rowe
wonderful site. thanks heaps. I used the printable certificates for my hockey team but as I am a special ed teacher in australia I was excited to find a site that will be a fantastic resource for the future.
Hi, Thanks so much for this great2x site. You are helping us a lot. I'am very much impressed by all your works.
Sally West
Brilliant site! Many useful printables and a wide variety.
What a fantastic resource for the UK!
mindy rosier
this site is extremely useful!!!
Love this site. Lots of useful ideas and resources for my complex needs students! Thank you!
I was able to get alot of great info from your site, thanks. Real good nav.
John McAndrew
This is an excellent site and an example to all working with chidren with SEN on the value of freely sharing resources which work.
Miss Khan
Just to say your site is fantastic and so easy to use. I am an esl teacher and your material really helps. Thank you
Excellent material. Well done and thank-you
I think your site is one of the best sites I have ever stumbled upon. It has a fantastic range of resources. I am a special ed teacher and the resources are great for teaching funtional academics and social/communication skills. The only constructive criticism I would make is that I cant choose australian money but that is only a slight downside compared to what you offer. I sincerely thank you for what you have on this site :)
Fernand Vos
I am also a Dutch teacher and use this site sooooooo often! One of my favorites. I recommend it to all my colleagues!
Tineke Wenselaar
I am a dutch teacher, and I am very happy with this website, I use many printables in my own class. So dutch children work with your educational material
Thank you for the use of your certificate maker. I made certificates for my pre-school Sunday School class for promotion to the elementary class.
I was googling for multiplication grids to help my daughter and came across this site, its absolutely brilliant!!! I couldnt stop printing pages of various things to help with my daughters handwriting and Maths. Thankyou ever so much, this is one of the most helpful websites I have found, can't wait to take the worksheets home to my little Girl.
excdellent site. Do you know where I can make quick wordsearches?
Lisa Redding
I am a Physical Therapist working with elderly people. I am using the pre-handwriting activities to help a 93 year old lady who suffered a wrist fracture a year ago and lost her handwriting abilities. My 10 year old son has struggled with his handwriting from the get-go, so he will practice these same skills. Thank you!
Loyda J. Mendez Lopez
This site is awesome!!! I love it!!! Thanks, and be bless all the people that works in this site. It is a wonderful work tool.
I was just looking on the web for multiplication charts to use in Spec Ed sumemr school and came upon this site..GREAT!!! I'm excited to pass this website to my fellow teachers!!
these nets are amazing i just love them
Anna (Italy)
Great website! I'm an EFL teacher and your help with all these fantastic and useful tools is very very important for my everyday teaching. Thanks a lot!

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