the printables are great but just two comments. i have to make up lots of picture cards so the picture card maker is a great idea except that the images it selects are pretty random for anything else other than animals. also many of the images have too much visual noise on them so would be confusing for someone with learning disabilities. re your games and dice printables any chance of British finger spelling alphabet ones? or everyday sign language signs?
money one very useful.
I have passed this excellent site on to my colleagues. We lecture in Support For Learning in a college. SO useful!!
Many thanks.
Its really great for good resources. I can say one of the best sites. I was looking for my kids (Y2) some stuff, so that they can practice when they are at home. I belive you are doing great job and keep-it-up and ALL THE BEST.
I did not find any option for "Send to Friend" option as i expected to be in every page at botton of the article/topic.
I love senteacher. The printables are fantasti to use with a range of students
baby b
i like this website!! it has a good selection of work sheets for my class!!! top marks for this!!
B. Smith
Thank you for this wonderful resource. It is a time saver when creating activities for differentiating instructional materials for any student.
Thank you for your fantastic resource!! I was just commenting to my teaching partner that your website is a life saver.
A big thank you
in our house we have got stuff that is from you i love your website
Many thanks for a super resource. Have found it invaluable for my mixed attainment mainstream children as well as my supported children. There is material here suitable for all the primary age range and to put an age on would not be appropriate. Teachers who know their children should be able to choose what is appropriate from the wonderful resources. the clock site is particularly useful for KS2 as well as KS1 and can be used on an IWB
Sue Rogers
Excellent site, being support in primary school and mom of two specail needs children i have found some great worksheets, tools for school and home. Thank you x
you are hot
hi i think this is a fab website if only i had an age writtien on it so we can tell which works for who
i like how you printed
Miss G
Very Intresting and useful
A great site with some excellent resources but very difficult to read the print for someone who has bad eyesight
ellen lunz
I am a speech and language pathologist who juts found a link to your site. Its just about the best site I have ever seen for creating therapy materials! Keep up the good work!
jules harper
Just come across this site by accident.How brilliant it is.Just want to say a big thank you.Im about to start a teacher assistant course.Having just passed classroom assistant.It will be so useful.So thanks again.
I am austic and dyslexic i need lots of help plus the hact i have a medical condition with my spine which mean i need to wear a brace 24 hours 7 days a week this site is really good
Ann Osborne
I'm an L.S.A. and have just discovered this site. It is an excellent resource!
I woud like to see more shaps for my home work right now
Wow!An amazing website.I found it while doing some random search in Google. Printable are great.Please keep adding resources.Thanks a lot.
Helo there. Did you do sll the shapes?
Great site! I'm a teacher from The Netherlands, but I find many usefull items on this site! The clock-page is one that I and many colleagues use allmost every week!
only just found this site. I love it!
just found your site. Just what I needed for my special children
Great website! I have been using it a school for ages I work with special needs and it's great for numeracy and literacy to be able to customise at an easy level to make them more accessable for all. Having coloured work aswell makes it more intersting PLEASE!! keep adding more I am always checking and hoping.THANKS!!!!
Laura Holbrook
This is helping me to help TA's in my school - many thanks!
Nice site .
I really love SEN teacher. It is cool, fab and fantastic.I don't know what to say but, i really love this site.
Thanks for the site.
Just printed first set of Dominos. great site. Thanks