Guestbook Page 35

Brilliant thank you so much!!!
Mike Mcdonald
This site is great I stumbled upon it while looking to make certificates for the students in my 2nd grade science class. I'm just starting out with SPED so I will certainly be back thanks again.
this web site good it has lots of things.
Shelly Oraze
I love your site....first time visit..I was looking for handwriting sheets and what a pot of gold I found...terrific printables for my special ed. Kindergarten class...thanks!
Wow!! What a wonderful site - you are about to save me hours of work - thank you.
Annette Bevans
I found your site by accident and I think it's wonderful. I work in a special needs school and your printables are fantastic Thankyou very much for making a site that makes planning a little easier
Garry F Stephens
This information is fantstic and invaluable; all praise to everyone involved. I have downloaded the PC interaction aids and they have proved very popular, thanks and keep up the work on this great site.
Excellent materials - well thought out formats
The labels are really good to put on your Maths Jotter, Tray, Spelling Jotter etc.
fab resources. please expand so that we can do lots of other wonderful things for our SpLD kids. thanks.
Has really helped me with my handwriting lessons that i do, the pupils i hope will feel the same way.
Jo Commander
I have printed four of your free printables... These are for my colleagues at work. These have brought much laughter and plenty of smiles so thankyou very much...
Cindy Baggett
I loved this site. Thanks for developing this site. It appeals to my Math gene!
I love your site and use your printables often in my primary school classroom. Thank you!!!!! Do you know of any way of adapting the cracker jack wheels to add words, like verb tenses or comparative and superlatives of adjectives?
I think this website is fantastic for rewarding children for their work and behaviour.
This is the BEST website I have ever come across. There are some many useful printables. I have searched for so long to find good photos to create a receptive language picture "book" for my autistic students. Thank you so much for the picture maker on your site. Best of luck to you!
Monica W.
Thank you for the resources on this site. As a mother of a child with disabilities and a teacher of students with special needs, I have found it very helpful.
Don't know what I would do without this site! The resources are perfect....Thank you!!!
I think this site is absolutely fantastic and i partcularly like the emotions resources. They fit in with my work very well. Many thanks!
Great website
This is a great site. Printouts are supportive and eay for parents to support learning at home.
Erika Doyle
This is awesome. I love this site. Thank you so much!
This is a great website! I especially love the printouts of the nets! I'm a PROBE 6th grade sudent myself looking for a website to understand the 3D figures and now I get it! Thanks!
This is coooooooooooooooooooool
T ina Rowlands
This is great i am a childminder and have found your site so useful. I have let everyone know about the site. Highley recomended.
I love this site and the 3-D shapes are brilliant! any chance of putting up Euro coins?
This is great! Now I finally understand nets!
Mark Imran Raza
Hi I'm an SEN teacher in an inclusive school - and my colleagues and I think that whoever designed this website is a genius. Wonderful resources at the click of a button. A massive well done.
Thankyou. Thankyou. Resources suitable for TESOL too.

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