Guestbook Page 42

Some of the answers on Cracker Jack wheel are not correct.
How did I survive before I found this site. This is an absolute godsend. Well done to all involved!
Thank you! Excellent quality resources and so user friendly. You have aved me hours!
Excellent site
i liked this it was great for my graduation certificate.
Fantastic website! You have saved me many hours in resource making! Thanks :) Only gutted I didn't find you sooner!!
Bill Martin
A superb site. I was found your site while looking for money activities for helping people with dementia. Having looked at your other activities, I feel I could use some of them them as well, thank you for making them available at no cost. Keep up the good work.
I love this site its fantastic, keep up the good work
i love how u do this.good job
Tasneem Gamieldien
I LOVE this web site!!!! well done! I love the fact that I can can make flah cards and games directly from this web site!!!! AMAZING!!! And free of charge!!!!I feel like I have died and gone to teachers heaven!! thank you
Anna Marie
I stumbles upon this web site when I was looking for 3-D shapes. I was so impressed with it that I told several teachers within the hour. I teach a 3rd grade inclusion classroom with various disabilities. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I realized that it was also an SEN site. Since we are also an ESOL magnet, I also showed our ESOL teacher the picture cards. THANK YOU!!
Superb website, very informative and fantastic time saving resources too -THANK YOU
this site has been a great help to my class and me thanks
S. Harrington
Sen Teacher has been a god send. I love the variety of worksheet available and the ease of manuvering through the different pages. I save a lot of time using your worksheets instead creating my own.
a sneak browse has inspired me to look further-well set out
k jolliffe
Excellent web site. Will reccomend to others!!
I love this site keep it up
I love this site. The certificate maker is used every day.
Thank you very much for these wonderful resources. They are very helpful. It's the first time I am using this site, and I think it is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Your 3D shape nets are amazing!!!!
surfing over the internet for educational matter , I found your website , so helpful and useful. Nice job done Cheers!
I love the certificates and I use them in school
I have used this with my daughter and she loves it. She is practising for next years 11+.
I wanted to use the picture word flash cards but when i tried changing to common words such as saw or drill (Im a Tech teacher) the pictures were not only a poor standard but strange and slightly sadistic looking, where do you source your pictures they are completely inappropriate and weird - thought I'd better inform you so that you can make relevant changes.

Sorry about this, safesearch is enabled in the Flickr search, but I guess the site isn't that well moderated! I'm working on a new version using Yahoo rather than Flickr and the results are looking much better for single keyword searches, at the moment you really need to use multiple search words to get the right image consistently. Eg put 'electric drill' in the search box and 'drill' in the word box. You're not the first person to mention this and I am making changes!
Thank you so much for this fabulous, time-saving site - the printables have saved me no end of work and the children in my class love using them. A hit all round. Keep up the good work!!
this is great very useful resources for the child i work with
Mrs D
I am an ESA in a primary school, i have used lots of your resources and found them really useful. As they can be used in a variety of ways. I found it particularly good because the resources can be personalised for your individual need. I am struggling to download a certificate though !!

I'm working on a way to save and share edited printables, but it will be some time before its finished. In the meantime, using a PDF printer (eg Broadgun PDF which is free) is a solution to save edited sheets for future use.
Pauline Steadman
Any chance of a new version of 'coins machine' with a £2 coin included - otherwise it's perfect.

Yes, every chance - I guess its time to update, the coins machine is six years old now.
this thing was veery fun. i printed all the things
becky ruscoe
i am not a teacher but i have used the number flash cards with my son who has SEN and ive found them very helpful and he enjoys playing the games with them thanks

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