Guestbook Page 29

I needed a quick Bear Cub Scout Denner Appreciation Certificate and couldn't find a thing until I got to your web site. Wonderful service. Thank you so very much!
I think your materials are fantastic and I use them ALL the time! I would love it if you could add word searches to the printables page. It would be great if you could type in a list of the words you wanted and you did the rest! Making word searches for my dyslexia teaching takes me ages! Also it would be great if you could add blends to your letter mash and not just single letters and finally sentence making cards. Please, Please, Please.

Just added a Word Search tool, hope its useful!
Hi I really love your materials and the money sheets are wonderful. However would it be possible to add euro coins please
i like it but i cant find how to make a clock and a perfect circle
My daughter did an activity at school today and enjoyed it so much that she memorised the web site mentioned on the work sheet and wanted to do more work when she got home! - this is the website. Great, thank you
An excellent Resource - hope it keeps going and growing.Thanks.
Thanks for a great sight.This has been super for my porfolio.
Wow...I stumbled on to this site, but I'll be sure to know where to find it again....great aids to help my students learn...especially the ones who are struggling...easy to make and then use flash cards for reinforcement both at school and home Thanks!!!
Great site and some really fantastic printables.
Thank you for this it really helps
Thanks for this!
this is the best site so's really a helpful site. i just discovered my 9 year old has learning disability and i was stuck with no remedial help. i now can start without wasting any more time thanks to your printable activities. thank you.
Mary Kelly
Unable to log into photo cards on your site . It keeps saying try again. Never had any trouble with it before. Have been trying for 2 days ! Love your site and fantastic resources.Go raibh maith agat!

Tá fáilte romhat!
Update: Yahoo Image Search was just too flakey to be useful and has now been ditched - hopefully the photo cards are now working much better. There should be no slow down now, no matter how many users are online and searching with it
I'm french and i have to thank you for all those printables, projects and links. it's so rare to find people who know the sense of this french word : PARTAGE Thank you
thanks heaps for all your nets of solids! will be heaps useful for me in teaching!! Amazing useful website
Thank you for all the great help!
Thank you, I found what I needed to finish my project.
Fantastic. Found some fans instead of paying £17 for them, and I could make my own. Thank you so much for such a useful resource.
Thank you. What alot of useful things.
What a wonderful website. Thank you for great ideas and useful resources. I am a New York City teacher, special education and will look forward to returning to your website often.
i really like this site i have gave almost 20 of these to my mom and dad and my teachers and they love them and ask me how i make them
stephanie gallan
gwyneth Pocock
I am a primary teacher, but have recently got a job in a secondary unit. I'm working very hard but finding the jump tough. Teaching maths exclusively is a challenge and I have found your rescources a boon, and am very grateful. As you can imagine, although focus has to be low ability - they also have to be age appropriate. Again, many thanks.
Teaching Assistant
i have just found your website. it looks really good. i normally make my resources but know it will take me less time as you can make them age and ability apporpiate. thanke you once again, i wil use this alot know that i have found you.
this website is GREAT!!!!!
Just wanted to say thank you for your generosity. I am a student teacher about to embark on my final placement. Your site has saved me some sleep time. Previously I have sat up till all hours creating similar resources when they were here all along! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, my classroom uses this a lot!
Thank you for an excellent set of tools and links! Best regards and merry Christmas from Finland! Janne, English teacher
Only just found this site - it's wonderful. I'm a trainee teacher and hate using the same old worksheets that crop up time after time so I'm always looking for something different. The printables are great, and the whole site gives inspiration.

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