Love it! Finding prepared worksheets and resources is always a bonus. Am taking the site address to the SENco now! thank you...
Brilliant resources.
Nathan Burton
Was searching for resources through 'Google' and came across this page, and it's absolutely fantastic! Best site i've been on to help with my learners. In addition, they found the sheets and activities very beneificial. Thanks.
Ann Stevenson
Great Site...I love it! :)
Like your stuff
Sharon Rose
I came here by chance & found it a wonderful site. Easy to use for all ages. Has given me somethings to think about aswel as help for things I wanted to do anyway. Great site people keep up the good work. Shame about the spam notes in the guestbook, but what can you do with people that abuse a trust on a site worked around helping children. Come on spammers, put morality before profit on clean sites like this one.
Ashley Izzard
A fantastic site that allows me to differientate my lessons quicker than previous ways. Thank you as a Newly Qualified teacher this is a big help.
This is fantastic. I can't wait to try out the number fans with a pupil who finds visual apparatus a great help.
Linda Brown
This website is FANTASTIC!!!!! Keep up the good work.
Jill Twigge
Wonderful site, this is my first visit and found you by accident whilst looking for 3D shapes. I'm printing off nets to use tomorrow. Many thanks
Jodi Butler
Hoping to try this out. Heard it was a great site.
Pete Hill
Great site, very useful downloads. Would like you to produce downloads directed at the older age group i.e 14-19 in special schools, such as pop stars for counting, motor bikes, shapes of everyday objects etc..
zoe williams
this is a fantastic webpage, have only just found it, but as a trainee teacher, it has proved to be incredibly useful!! certificates and time worksheets are fab!! thanks
Brilliant worksheets first time here and will deffently visit again. Many Thanks
Hi I came onto this website to get some understanding of what you are exactly supposed to do with the magic squares but i cannot find anywhere that tells me this, therefore i cannot help a friend that does not know what exactly to do, i think that you should at least provide some instructions on what to do for thoose that are not told. Other than that i think that this is a brilliant website. thank you
Keep it up!
A brilliant site with good resources that are useable in the classroom. Thankyou so much for saving me time and giving me my life back!!! Will pass it on at school:)
some brilliant resources. Will use quite a few of them in my teaching of students with learning disabilities
I teach in a special needs school in Harlow. We are practising times tables, the missing links page is really useful. I like the way the numbers, and layout changes for me. Most sites have one good idea then I have to make changes and adaptions. I will be using the online games will let you know what the children think of them.
Mary Phillips
Missing from e Fanatastic worksheet downloads and useful info on Special needs. Will browse again. MP
Beth Broadwell
This is an awesome site. It has saved me so much time and energy!
Nicki Quarterman
This is the most useful site i have come across for teaching adults with all sorts of learning difficulties. Please keep adding stuff to it!!!
I teach children with learning difficulties of various types ans levels. Super site - many thanks.
I found this website with a link from Tinsnips. Thank you so much for sharing so much. I have tried out lots of your pages with 2 children with autism that I work with at school. Thanks again.
virginia Ferro
A great support on resources for my class of autistic children. I will use them. It is nice to find something useful.
Excellent web site for teacheres!
Great site for homeschoolers! Thanks!!
Brilliant site, very useful material, thank you :-)