This looks like a very comprehensive site..
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Hi. Sorry for my english. Happy New Year!!!!! Good Luck!
Gareth Morgan
The links page is really useful and the printables are stunning. I am raving about this site to colleauges!
Thank you so much , really helpful site .I often print out worksheets from this site . Its wonderful and obsolutely fantastic work!!
Barry Round
Just found your site by chance - some excellent resources - thank you. Will help greatly!
Nice site
Beverley Hanson
What a wonderful site. I am so pleased to have discovered you. Thank you so much for the invaluable resources.
Thank You very much for this site.
Just stumbeled across your worksheets. Im a Psychologist within a Learning Disability Hospital and find this info great for the children for schedules etc....
What a fantastic site. So glad I stumbled across it. The worksheets are so user friendly and there are some wonderful ideas and resources. Thanks very much.
Wonderful site!
Thanks very much, as a trainee teacher I can't wait to use it more have already printed some things for my own children.
Yeah!! I am new to Preschool and just LOVE your printable worksheets! My daughter's end grade teacher sent home a worksheet with your web address on the botom and I checked it out. I am sooooo glad I did! Thanks for all your hard work and making it so easy to use!
What a great website, can' wait to use the resources. Good to find adult use images.
Mark Ashmore
I represent a teaching supply agency by the name of Connex Education (, we provide Teaching supply and support staff to a huge number of SEN schools and centres. This site has proved very usefull to our staff, thanks.
If there are any users of this site looking for SEN work within the Midlands or the North West please feel free to contact us.
felicia s
just what i was looking for. thanks (:
Karen James
Just want to say thankyou for a really good way to boost my childrens confidence.I regularly print them out certificates for different things like behaviour and just because i love them.
this is a good site for kids who need help or play school like me!!
adam musa
This is my first time visit to your lovely and easy to use page
the resources are very useful i wish all Sen teachers are aware of this valueable webpage. thank you once again. surely will add to my favorites.
Thank you! Love this website its excellent for any one-one who has children even for teachers! Its the best site i've ever come across! Thank you once aagain
Thanks for putting up this site! Very handy.
allen teruel
this site is wonderful! love it! thanks..
Thank you for such wonderfully, useful resources.
However I do have a couple of suggestions.
1. In the Arithmetic maker section would it be possible to have math problems with decimals.
2.In the Number lines section would it be possible to choose starting number and the incremental increase.For example, start on 35, carry on counting in 1s Many thanks again.
Sue Webber
First visit this morning - will explore the site in much more detail next time. Seems very useful. Thank you
bonnie troidl
I've been viewing some of your clock and math sheets. they look awesome. would love to print them out. do I need to join up?
Mrs. CCummings
I love this web site, thank you help teach my nufew his math so much easier.
C. Lötter
Thanks for this site. So many languages...what about Afrikaans? (down in South Africa)
great site with fab resources a T A's best pal.
Alison Tarrant
F.A.B site! wonderful for children for all ages and needs,great web for teachers and parents, i always use the site and home and when i go into school to help the children.
This site is amazing!! Really useful and fantastic ideas.